Post Training Questions

    1. Because families are staying in our church and I’m helping them, I have the right to ask the guests questions about how they became homeless or about other aspects of their private lives. (check A or B)

    3. What is my role as a Family Promise volunteer? (check A or B)
      A. It’s like being a church camp counselor! Everyone must participate in activities we plan, must go to bed by a certain time, must bow their heads and say grace before dinner, and must be ready to go whenever the van shows up in the afternoon, even if it’s really early.B. To welcome the families as I would welcome guests in my own home, respect their right to make their own choices about how they spend their time at the church (within the guidelines of the program), recognize that the families have daytime responsibilities they schedule around regular van times, and treat adult guests like the adults they are.

    5. It’s okay for the guest parents to leave their kids with me: (check A or B)
      A. Only if I choose to watch and/or entertain the kids, and then only when a 2nd adult (who could be one of the guest parents) is with me.B. Anytime, after all, part of the volunteer job is to be the babysitters, right?

    7. Guests may only leave the church grounds to go to the hospital, to a location like the library or a community playground that is specifically approved in your church’s House Rules, or to run an errand that is determined to be vital after you’ve alerted Family Promise staff. (check A or B)

    9. The most important thing for me to know when I’m volunteering for Family Promise in the host church is
      Who to contact if I have a question or concern while I’m volunteering.What the church’s “House Rules” are.Where to find the first aid kit, extra blankets, replacement beds, diapers, and other necessities.What time the van is departing the church in the morning.All of the above.

    11. By checking this box, I certify that I have completed the Family Promise of Southwestern Pennsylvania training series
      • I’ve watched all 5 primary modules (Introduction, Roles & Responsibilities, How Can I Help?, Child Protection & Safety, Policies & Procedures).
      • I’ve downloaded and read all accompanying documents (Hospitality Code, Keeping Kids Safe, 60 Second Guide, Confidentiality Agreement).